Our house is a very, very fine house …

We’ve become dirt dwellers. We have moved into a “Brady Bunch” style house (complete with stairs allowing us to yell “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha” into the living room.) It’s a good fit for us, there is a sewing room / office for Susan and a robotics lab / office for me. I have a very nice wooden workbench that’s 3′ x 8′ to spread my junk out, I mean work on.

We are slowly getting unpacked and setup, but we have 90% of the stuff off of the Quo Vadimus, she is now sitting about 4″ higher in the water. Oh the stuff we took 6,000 miles and didn’t need.

Planning to have Thanksgiving with the family this year. We’ll drink a toast to last years group of Loopers that had dinner on the Apalachicola waterfront in 2014. Only a few that haven’t gotten the Gold flag, but I have Templeton’s here when they come through this area.

So if you are in the Wilmington Delaware area across the winter waiting for boating season, stop by and visit!

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