Devil Door Rapids at Bad River, Ont

26 July 2014

We did some more fishing off Harbor Island in the Bustards this morning. No nibbles, but we got to watch the parent of the loon siblings attempt to teach them to fly. The adult would spread and flap their wings and the two siblings mimicked. Not enough to get into the air, but a little out of the water. I’m sure in a few days they will have it mastered.

We picked our way around the channels and were soon heading down the Gun Barrel on our way West. Big difference in the wave action today. Even Belle was pleased with the much smoother ride. In about an hour we were going up the Bad River.

There were about a half dozen boats anchored out. We moved to the back of the cove and made a pass at anchoring. No go, so we made a second pass. I was a little more diligent about backing and the anchor stuck.

We had a great spot, we could see up into Devil Door Rapids. (In keeping with the Bad River theme). It’s a pretty fair sized rapid that people ride up into on their dinks. Ours is a little underpowered with only an 8HP engine and I had heard about an accident the prior weekend where one flipped over. So much to Susan’s regret I decided to pass.


But that left more time for fishing. And I’m sure you read Susan’s post about her 33” Northern Pike. She was super excited. What she didn’t post in her story was that when we first got here she had a strike and she got the fish almost to the boat. But it bit through her line and escaped with one of her favorite lures. So it was revenge time, and she pulled it off!

We watched some other boats attempt the rapids and then watched a boat full of boys do it four times in the next hour. They would have gone for 5 but the engine wasn’t running after they came down the last time, don’t know if it was damage or out of gas.

Susan did her sightseeing tour of the bay, she came back in an hour with all sorts of news and great pictures.

We had one of my favorite dinners. While we ate there was a small cloudburst that cleaned away the mosquitoes for the evening. We did some more fishing, but I think our giant fish friend and put the word out.

In the morning we made one more pass at fishing. I had a strong bite, had him to the platform and then the spit the lure out and headed away. He looked about ½ the size of Susan’s, but I would have been pleased.

We met Loopers from Florida on Le Hooker. It’s the first boat I’ve see powered by outboards. With the improvements in size, noise and fuel mileage, I’m thinking of mounting a pair of 300′s on the transom of the Quo Vadimus and give that a go. Anyway it was a nice chat they are very nice people.

From Susan’s story yesterday: David, Chantal and Max the Wonder Dog came over to talk. They are thinking of doing the loop in their sailboat. I gave them the Looper board information. Hope they go, I think they’ll have fun.

With all our fish gear put away, we headed down the “Bad River” on to our next adventure.